Tips on landscaping for home security in College Station
![Home with new plants in mulch bed and wheelbarrow in yard](/corporate/uploads/VivintLandscapingforSecurity.jpg)
What kind of message does your home’s landscaping convey to prospective intruders? Are you extending an invitation with inadequate lighting and untended shrubs? Explore our recommendations on landscaping for home security in College Station and discover how you can boost your property’s protection.
No. 1: Keep your College Station exterior under lights
A well-illuminated property is an annoyance to intruders who would preferably lurk in the shadows. Evaluate your yard to identify shadowy areas, including the outer edges, where unwanted guests will enter. Integrate motion-sensing floodlights around key entrances like back doors and garages, or consider more subtle lighting that stays lit up during the night.
You could place lights next to pathways to help brighten your property and help you see. Accent lights next to walls or fences expose possible hiding places and impart a designer touch.
No. 2: Maintain your landscape
What do meticuolously trimmed shrubs, routinely cut grass, and weeded gardens say about you? It’s a solid indicator that you heedful of your yard and probably to your home security. Thieves are much less willing to target a well-groomed yard with active homeowners. Don’t put a target on your home by giving the wrong impression.
No. 3: Invest in exterior surveillance in College Station
The one thing intruders don’t want to see attached to your home is a surveillance device. The mere sight of cameras is enough to frighten off most uninvited guests. They are great for your safety and assurance as you may check the video stream whenever you like from the security app on your cell phone.
Your surveillance cameras could even be programmed to link with other smart devices, as you might have indoor light bulbs illuminate if a video camera finds somebody approaching. When installing, keep them elevated enough off the ground to prevent tampering and make certain they’re situated properly.
No. 4: Make certain you have an unobstructed sightline
You must have an unimpeded perspective from your interior. When placing plants around windows, verify that the mature height is three feet or less. Keep your greenery trimmed properly, and stay away from larger bushes or shrubs near entryways like garage doors that may serve as places to hide. When formulating a design, go with a clean, open landscape that permits you to see all levels of your outdoor environs.
No. 5: Consider defensive flora when landscaping for security in College Station
Implement another layer of defense with spiny, thorny, or prickly plants next to first-floor windows. Prospective invaders will try to avoid this defensive plant life and may have to target other primary entrance points like front doors and garages, which are usually the most protected. Just be careful when installing these bushes, and avoid places where kids play. And don’t forget to put your home security signage in a noticeable spot to tell burglars your home is secure.
Get the best protection with a Vivint home security system in College Station
The ideal partner for your nicely maintained landscape is a College Station home security system from Vivint. Incorporate video surveillance, entrypoint sensors, motion detectors, and smart light bulbs into a multi-faceted plan. You might even customize automation, like having indoor lights switch on if a camera discovers a prowler lurking outdoors. Call (979) 356-2138 today to discuss your options and moderninze your security.